"Great news!! Your design RICHANDRICH_BIZ has been accepted in The Shoe Circle Fashion Collective!InboxSearch for all messages with label InboxRemove label Inbox from this conversation AliveShoes Team3:32 AM (7 hours ago) to me Hey Desiree,
Shoe Circle team liked your design RichandRich_Biz (ID: 1765423) a lot. They told us your shoes will be showcased on The Shoe Circle Fashion Collective soon. The photo of the shoes will be featured inside the website.
Having your shoes published in The Shoe Circle Fashion Collective means worldwide visibility for you and your design, and also a remarkable sign of achievement! It is indeed an A-Level introduction in the fashion world.
The publishing normally takes up to 2 weeks - you’ll receive another e-mail once the shoes are live!
You can also follow your status directly in your dashboard here.
Really happy to have your design there!
Also, don’t forget that if you hit the 15 sales mark with this design it also qualifies for The Shoes Circle extra projects. Learn more about all the extra projects here>
AliveShoes Talent Manager