Rich and Rich Homeopportunities L.L.C. would like to give an update on my Kiva

Rich and Rich Homeopportunities L.L.C. would like to give an update on my Kiva

Dream In Motion." Today has been another blessed day. I spoke to Natalie for advertising on 98.3 she is amazing with great insights for digital and radio advertising my Etsy shop and since I am a member of Alignable, I am advertising in the Wauwatosa community newsletter a community of about 1900. Our radio campaign starts on Monday April 8th 2024 for Rich and Rich Homeopportunities for our brand products. We are able to use the 98.3 logo on our website and in social media. We are listing our brand products on Amazon for the US and our Amazon Brand Registry store in Australia.Great business day so now back to designing.

Rich and Rich Homeopportunities will be participating in "The Mommy & Me" Expo May 11, 2024 presented by Empowerment Group LLC, more details as we get closer to the event

Still pending a meeting to be a part of for possible brick and mortar retail store.
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